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  • Dr, Mike Murphy

The Letters(Part Three)....Cleaning His Father’s House

I write to you my brothers to tell you about all I have witnessed today, and even as my own eyes have seen it, it is all I can do to believe it. So many of the words our father taught us now come flooding back to me, as if the Lord is reminding me of why father so wanted to see us grounded in those scriptures.

Let me give you an example, my brothers. As I followed Jesus, he left Bethany with his disciples early this morning(Mark 11:12-14). As myself and many others travelled the short distance back toward Jerusalem with them, we soon came to the fields that surround Bethpage(means, “house of figs”). Having left early, and not eaten, I heard him mention to some others that he was hungry. As all stopped to eat, I watched as he eyed a fig tree in the distance beside the road. As he approached it, I looked closely at the tree. This tree was in full bloom, with a foliage full of leaves. But as I looked at it again, I noticed that it did not contain any of the small, edible buds that nearly fill all the fig trees come spring, and soon produce a great harvest by summer. The leaves were full and present to protect the fruit, but there was no sign of any fruit that would come from the tree.

Then as Jesus began to speak, I heard him curse this tree, saying it would never bear fruit again. As he said these words, I heard a few in the crowd and a couple of the disciples sigh, And as they did, one spoke aloud from the crowd and said that Jesus had just warned Israel of the troubles that were soon coming, as all knew that the Lord had often used to fig tree to symbolize Israel(Joel 1:7, Jeremiah 29:17, Hosea 9:10-16). As I heard these words, I could not help but wonder why he would speak these words. Why would the Promised Messiah curse God’s chosen nation? Afterall, if he was here to establish his kingdom, then how could he curse what he would soon rule? But as I pondered my thoughts, the words of our father suddenly came rushing back to me. Words he taught us from Jeremiah that I did not know I still remembered. “‘I will surely snatch them away,’ declares the Lord; ‘There will be no grapes on the vine and no figs on the fig tree, and the leaf will wither; and what I have given them will pass away.’”(Jeremiah 8:13). I cannot explain, my brothers, as I know these words are important, but I just cannot explain what these words mean yet. And I still find myself confused by these words I heard Jesus speak.

I continued to follow him in silence as we made our way back to Jerusalem, as I continued to think on his words with each step. As we entered Jerusalem, Jesus made his way to the top of Mount Zion, to the Temple(Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19). On seeing him do this, the excitement came over me for what I thought I was about to see. I was sure this was the moment where it would all begin, certain he would make his way to the Antonia Fortress(where Romans soldiers were stationed at the Temple area). That with a single word, he would crumble their structure around them, as he drove the Romans from the House of the Lord. But what he did, I actually would have never anticipated. He made his way to the Court of the Gentiles, where the market area has been set up.

Suddenly, he started overturning the tables of the moneychangers, and those who sold the turtle doves for sacrifice. Many thought he was acting in a rage, but what I saw was the last thing from it, my brothers. What I saw was an act of righteousness and justice, one that all our people should have already done, years ago. A holy passion in Jesus this day to restore the Lord’s House back to its rightful purpose. To bring an end, if only for the moment, to the greed, the bribery, the dishonesty, and the extortion that we have all watched take place for each of our years.

From the day we turned twenty, my brothers, we have paid our tribute to the Lord as we went to the Temple each year(Exodus 30:13). And each time, we have watched the moneychangers sitting at their tables, converting the foreign coins, as the priests told us that only the coinage from Israel could be given to the Lord. And we would watch as they would make their fortune exchanging the foreign coins.

Then as they sold the turtle doves to the poor, so they could offer them as their sacrifice(Luke 2:24), we would watch as these evil peddlers would charge those who had little, up to sixteen times what two doves would normally sell for. And with each of these unrighteous acts, we watched as the religious leaders would line their own pockets, as they got their share of what each of these scoundrels made. Those who would present themselves as righteous, only put on their fancy clothes to cover the filth of their own sin. Even turning a blind eye to those who would use the House of the Lord as nothing more than a shortcut so they could travel quickly through the city(Mark 11:16).

As Jesus did this, I listened as he began to teach all who were there. And as he spoke, his words once again stopped me in my tracks, and brought the words of our father to my mind again. Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.”(Mark 11:17 As he spoke these words, at first they made no sense to me. But then I remembered the words that father taught us from Isaiah. ““I am the Lord, I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, and I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations.”(Isaiah 42:6). It then hit me what Jesus was saying. We were called to be His people. And as His chosen people, we were not just to worship and honor Jehovah, we were to be a witness to this world of who the Lord God is, so all the nations might come to praise Him. In our actions, we have become nothing better than these pompous religious leaders, nothing more than a den of thieves who do not serve Him at all.

In the silence of my thoughts, I could hear the whispers of the religious leaders growing louder as they passed my way(Mark 11:18). I watched as they became more and more fearful of him, as they watched the crowd become captivated by his every word. They knew he was exposing them for the hypocrites we all know them to be. In their eyes, you could watch their fears grow even more, as they knew the people would soon see the truth that they heard in his words(Matthew 22:19). And with each of their words, I could hear them plotting against him, making plans to destroy and kill him(Matthew 12:14).

As we made our way back to the Mount of Olives, then on to Bethany(Matthew 21:17, Mark 11:19), what had happened at the Temple was all you could hear the crowd discussing. With each of my steps back across the Kidron Valley and back up the hill, I remained in silence. For the first time in my life, even if I had wanted to speak, I just did not have a single word I could say. But words I heard spoken by one in the crowd, almost caused my knees to buckle beneath me. His words still now ring through my ears, “We have just watched the Lord exercise His authority over His own temple.” His own temple. Had I truly spent this day in the presence of the Lord? Had I witnessed His Promised One putting His house in order? It was at that moment I realized just how strongly the words of Scripture our father had taught me, was now speaking to me. Hearing the truth Jesus spoke this day has astonished me. But if I am to believe the words he is saying, then just hearing those words are not enough, my brothers. Because if I believe his words to be the truth, then so much more is now required of me. I am so torn and tired from this day, my brothers, but I know this night that sleep will escape me. As for the first time in a long time, I will be this night in prayer.

I know this letter will not reach you until after this night is over, but all I can think to do my brothers, is to ask that you please pray for me.


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