As the day came to a close, Caleb found his sudden nap interpreted by the voice of his grandson, Uriel. “Saba(Hebrew for grandfather), are you going to tell us more about the birth of Jesus tonight? Because if you are, I have a question.”
Waking before he intended, Caleb cleared his throat and looked at the eyes of his young grandson. At just seven years of age, Caleb could see the anxiety in the young man, and realized that nothing he could say would probably have led Uriel to take “no” for an answer. “So Uriel, you have a question, do you? Well, my son, just what might that question be?”
Before Uriel could even say a word, he climbed in his grandfather’s lap. “Saba, was not John the Baptist related to Jesus? Did they know each other when they were just children, and did they play like all of us do?”
On hearing the words, Caleb began to ponder how he could explain all this best to one so young. But before he could say a word, he saw the whole family begin to gather. “Uriel, let me start by telling you about John’s father and his mother. His abba(father) was a man by the name of Zacharias, and he was married to Elizabeth, who was the much older cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Zacharias was a priest(Luke 1:5), and we are told that both Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous and obedient to the Lord. Both were now getting older, and no matter how they had tried, Elizabeth was barren, unable to have a child(Luke 1:7). At that time, there were so many priests in all of Israel that they would draw lots to see who would serve at the Temple in Jerusalem. Zacharias was not only chosen, but selected to burn the incense on the altar before the Lord.(Luke 1:8-10). Each morning and each evening, incense was burned in the Holy Place, in the presence of the Lord, as a prayer was also offered for the people. For Zacharias to have been chosen to do this was a once in a lifetime event, as many priests were never chosen throughout their whole life. Luke once told me that at the time Zacharias was selected, there was a large crowd gathered outside, as the people would join to pray as the prayer for them was given. For such a large crowd to have been there as Zacharias entered, would have meant this was done at the time of the evening sacrifice, as far more were there each evening than in the mornings.”
“That evening Uriel, two other priests would have been chosen to enter the Temple with Zacharias, and they would have walked into the Holy Place on each side of him. One of those priests would have set burning coals on the altar, and the other would have arranged and prepared the incense. Then as those two left, Zacharias would have entered alone. As Zacharias entered, the golden altar would have been in front of him, and behind it would have been a huge, and very thick curtain. As behind the curtain was the Holy of Holies, the most holy of places, where no one but the High Priest could enter on the Day of Atonement(Exodus 30:7-8, Exodus 37:25-29). As all the people who gathered around the Temple at the time of the evening worship, they would see the first two priests exit, and they knew it was time for the incense to be offered up to the Lord. At that moment they would have bowed to their knees in prayer, as they knew at that very moment, the priest offering the incense, stood in the Lord’s presence and offered up prayer for the entire nation of Israel(Psalm 141:2).”
Caleb pulled his grandson, Uriel, close, and continued to explain to him what had happened with Zacharias that day. “As Zacharias finishes his prayer, he looks up and sees the angel, Gabriel, standing in front of him(Luke 1:11). Zacharias is filled with fear, but Gabriel tells him to not be afraid, because the Lord has heard his prayer, and his wife, Elizabeth, will bear him a son he is to name John(Luke 1:12-13).”
As Caleb spoke the words, he put his arm around Uriel. “For four hundred years, the people of Israel had not heard the voice of God, or had the Lord send word to them(Malachi 4). But as Zacharias stood in the Holy Place before the Lord that day, he is told he will have a son. A son who would be great in the sight of the Lord(Luke 1:15, 7:28), and who would be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born(Luke 1:41). Zacharias was then told that his son would turn many of the people to the Lord, and just as Elijah stood boldly for the Lord calling all to repent and turn back to God, his son would do the same. As his son would prepare the way for the Messiah(Luke 1:16-17).”
Uriel, in hearing all this, looked confused, so Caleb began to speak again to help him be able to understand. “Uriel, as Zacharias prayed at the altar that day, he would have prayed for the people, and asked the Lord to send the Messiah. In the words Gabriel spoke to him, he not only heard that prayer being answered, but his private prayer he had sent to the Lord for years, for him to be given a son, was being answered too. A prayer, that since he was well up in his years, he had probably given up on long ago. Zacharias heard his two greatest desires being fulfilled on that day, and he now stood at the center of both. And Uriel, in the name the Lord tells Zacharias to call his son, John, we see all this perfectly being shown to him. The name John means, ‘Jehovah has shown grace’(Luke 1:60-63). His son would not just be the forerunner who would prepare the way for the Messiah, his son would prepare the way for the One who would bring grace to this world.”
Caleb then continued to try to help Uriel understand, and in looking at the faces of his family, he knew he needed to help many of them understand as well. Before he could again speak, his son in law, Nathan, spoke up. “Abba, I can imagine how hard it must have been for Zacharias to grasp all of this. I would not want to think about how all of this would have affected me, and how hard it would be for me to believe, even if Gabriel told it all to me.”
In hearing this, Caleb looked up at his son in law, the father of Uriel. “Nathan, Zacharias was a lot like you! He also had doubts, and he let his doubts get the best of him. He questioned the angel on how this could be possible, since both his wife and he were getting up in age(Luke 1:18). Think about this Nathan. Zacharias asked God for a son, then when the Lord answered his prayer, he doubted if what he had asked for was even possible.”
Nathan, then spoke again to his father in law. “I understand now, Abba. It was much like Abraham and Sarah(Genesis 17:1-25). What may appear as impossible to our eyes, are not even worth a blink to the Lord’s eyes(Matthew 19:26).
In hearing the words, Caleb began to shake his head. “Very much like Abraham, my son. A story Zacharias would have also known very well, and realized how our Lord was perfectly able to fulfill. Zacharias looked at the circumstances first, then looked to the Lord last. And in his logic, he placed circumstances before our Lord.” Caleb then looked at the whole family as he began to speak again. “In hearing his doubts, Gabriel quickly let him know who he was, and that he came with a message straight from our Lord God. A message that should sounds as nothing but good news to the ears of Zacharias, as he would not only have a son, but his son would play a key role in the Lord’s plan of salvation and redemption.(Luke 1:19)”
Caleb then bowed his head as he continued to speak. “Gabriel then told Zacharias, that because he doubted the Lord, he would remain in silence until the day came when all of this would take place. The Lord did not take back his promise because of the doubts Zacharias had, but sadly, Zacharias would now find himself unable to fully share in the joy of this promise(Luke 1:20). You see, my son, us being able to share that good news with others can bring us the greatest of joy, and is an important part of the promise itself. Just as today, look at the joy you see in my eyes from being able to share with all those I love the good news of this story!”
Realizing he had become sidetracked, Caleb returned to the story of Zacharias. “Let me tell you the rest of what happened with Zacharias. After he had been in the Temple for such a long time, the people began to wonder if something was wrong(Luke 1:21). Normally, the priest who burned the incense was only in the Temple for a short time, and he would come out as soon as he finished praying, joining the other two priests as they waited right outside of the Temple door. As the incense priest would exit, he would raise his hands and bless the people by saying, ‘The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’(Numbers 6:2-26). And on hearing this, all the people that had gathered at the Temple would answer, ‘Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.’ And they would follow this up, by the musicians playing and the choir of the Levites singing the Psalm of that day.”
As Caleb leaned forward toward his family, he continued. “But as Zacharias made his way out of the Temple, he could not speak(Luke 1:22). No matter how hard he tried, no sound would come from him. He began to do his best to make gestures with his hands, trying to do all he could to let the people know what had happened to him in the Temple(Luke 1:22-23). But despite being made mute by the Lord, Zacharias honored his service and commitment to the Lord, and stayed all seven days of his service before returning home. I can only imagine, but although Zacharias could not speak to others there, I am sure he was in constant conversation with the Lord God for each of those days!”
Caleb then turned back to his grandson, Uriel, who he had started this night explaining all this to. “Uriel, after returning home, God kept His promise to Zacharias, and Elizabeth, his wife, became pregnant with a child(Luke 1:24-25). For five months Elizabeth then went into seclusion.”
On hearing this, his daughter, Sarah, spoke up. “Father, why would she do this? Being up in age, was she worried about what all the neighbors would say, and did this to get away from all the talk and gossip?” Caleb, reached out to grab his daughter’s hand, and looking her in the eyes lovingly, began to speak. “My precious daughter, many have thought and even taught those very words. Me, I believe she went away to spend time with the Lord God. She would have known how special this child was, as like Rachel, she had waited and longed so long for a son(Genesis 30:22-24), and thought she would never receive one. Knowing the purpose the Lord would hold for her son, I cannot help but believe that she spent time with the Lord in thanks and praise, and in guidance on how she should raise this son of such great purpose in the Lord’s plans. My daughter, can you imagine if you had waited a lifetime before you conceived Seth or Uriel? I know your love for each, and how filled with joy you were when you learned you were pregnant with each. I can only imagine the joy that filled Elizabeth, and it was a joy that led her to want to praise Him every moment(Luke 1:25).”
As she thought about his words, Sarah smiled and hugged her father. “Abba(father in Hebrew), I am thankful to Him each day even now for both, I can only imagine the joy that would have filled me if I had been Elizabeth.”
Caleb, then looked back to his family, and with a smile said. “Again, it is growing late, and there is so much more to this amazing story I so want to share with all of you! I do not want to miss a single moment of what the Lord did as I share with you His story. So I will continue this story again as we have time this week, and gather once more. And Uriel, my son, I know you asked about John and Jesus knowing each other. I will soon tell you just how close that bond was, even before they were born!”
We will soon gather with Caleb and his family again, as he tells us all the rest of the amazing story of that first Christmas. And with each word, I hope your family will also share in the excitement Caleb felt in sharing Jesus with his family!